Biometric Face And Other Technologies To Consider For Your Home And Business!

Biometric face technology is only one of the biometrics options available to you today. Just a couple of the other options that may be considered include retinal scan technology and iris reading technology.

Deciding which type of biometric device will work for your business can be difficult, since you now have many options to choose from today.

If you’re considering adding biometric systems to your company, here is a closer look at three specific types of biometrics technology and a look at the pros and cons that each option has to offer you and your business.

Biometric Face Technology Pros and Cons

One type of biometric technology to consider using for your business is biometric facial technology. This technology specifically uses the composition and structure of the face to identify the person. In some cases, it may also use a form of eye recognition, measuring the distance between the eyes or looking at how deep set the eyes may be as well.

Biometric face technology offers many great pros that companies can enjoy. One of the pros to this type of biometrics is that there is no need for contact to procure the biometric information needed to identify a person.

All that is needed is a picture or video of the person. This biometric software technology also offers accurate and fast results, reliable matching, and it can be used in many different applications.

The main problem with biometrics facial software is that it is possible for people to have facial reconstruction surgery. Others can use special devices to change their face shape, which may be able to fool a system. Another con is that businesses that don’t have video systems in place already may find it a bit more difficult to implement this technology.

Retinal Scan Pros and Cons

Another of the biometric technologies available today is retinal scanning biometric technology. This system uses infrared light that is reflected on the back of the iris to show the specific blood vessel pattern and then the light reflects back to a video camera. The video camera takes the image from the retina and converts it into data. Software stores the data and then brings up the data to identify and authenticate users.

Retinal biometrics systems offers several pros that should be considered. First, you’ll find that this software has a near zero failure rate, which means that fooling this system is almost impossible. Another pro is that this data doesn’t take up a lot of storage face. Identification is fast as well, providing a system that is almost foolproof.

One of the biggest cons to this type of biometric device is that it is very expensive to purchase a retinal scanner. It can also be more difficult to get people to voluntarily allow their retina to be scanned. Many people feel that these scanners are intrusive, which is why some companies find that they are not a user friendly option in many cases.

Iris Reading Pros and Cons

Iris scanning is another type of system that can be used instead of biometric face technology. While some people confuse this with retinal scanning, it is very different. Instead of scanning the retina, the iris is scanned by a scanner.

The iris actually has many individuating characteristics - in fact, it has more than a fingerprint. It is highly unlikely that someone else will have the same iris pattern. The iris is the colored area around the eye and a special scanner can capture these patterns and turn them into data to help with identification and authentication.

Probably the main pro of iris reading software is that it is almost 100 % accurate. Not only is it accurate, but it offers the advantage of being convenient as well. Iris patterns do not require direct contact with the face and some biometric scanners can focus on the eye and find the meaningful patterns while people are several feet away. It is fast as well, which makes it an excellent choice for many companies.

Although irises greatly differ, today’s face scanners are not yet able to be as accurate as they should be, which is a con to iris reading. Sometimes contacts, tears, long eyelashes, or dark eyes can throw off the machines, making them a choice that doesn’t yet have the accuracy of other forms of face biometrics.

Each type of biometric system security has important pros and cons to consider. Take a look at each option and decide which one will work best for your company. At this point, many companies will find that the biometric face technology offers the best option, offering convenience, accuracy, and other excellent benefits.

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